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Golfers Elbow Pain Treatment in Raleigh, NC

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Golfers Elbow Pain, or medial epicondylitis, is caused by trauma to the tendons that attach the forearm muscles to the inner side of the elbow.   This can be related to an acute injury but most often is related to overuse and repetitive stress to the tendon attachment.   Although it is often associated with […]

Hand Pain After Punching a Wall? It could be a Boxers Fracture

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Do you have hand pain after punching a wall? It could be a boxers fracture. Boxers fractures are very common hand injuries. The typical cause is striking a hard surface with a clenched fist – such as punching a wall. These injuries can also occur in contact sports, automobile collisions, altercations, or falling to the […]

Shoulder Arthritis Treatment in Raleigh

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Shoulder Arthritis is inflammation of a joint with loss of cartilage (the smooth surface covering the end of each bone in the joint).  In some severe cases, bone spurs can form and wear down the surrounding bone at the joint. There are several forms of arthritis. The most common type is osteoarthritis, which is typical […]

Topical CBD for Hand Arthritis

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Osteoarthritis is one of the most common ailments affecting the hands. Wear and tear arthritis within the joints can lead to weakness, deformity, limited range of motion, inflammation, and pain. These symptoms can impair the function of the hand and reduce a person’s quality of life. Conventional medical treatments for hand osteoarthritis in the United […]

Top Doctors in North Carolina

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Several Raleigh Hand to Shoulder Center hand surgeons have been named top doctors in 2023. Congratulations to the doctors!

Capital City Surgery Center Best in North Carolina

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Capital City Surgery Center has been named the best ambulatory surgery center in North Carolina for several years in a row! Raleigh Hand to Shoulder Center doctors perform the majority of their outpatient surgeries at Capital City Surgery Center. The doctors are partners in the center.

Scaphoid Fracture Raleigh

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The scaphoid, one of eight small bones in the wrist, is most commonly injured due to a fall on an outstretched wrist.  It occurs most frequently in young men in their teens to 30’s.  A patient with a scaphoid fracture (broken scaphoid bone) will have pain on the radial (thumb) side of their wrist.  They […]

Dupuytrens Contracture Raleigh, NC

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Dupuytrens contracture is a common disease of the hand. This condition is known for increased fibrous tissue formation in the palms of the hands and in the fingers. Early in the course of the disease process, nodules of fibrous tissue develop in the palm. In some patients these nodules develop into cords which gradually bend […]

Doctors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Raleigh

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Raleigh Hand to Shoulder Center doctors are specialists in carpal tunnel syndrome, among many other conditions of the hand and arm. They are doctors for carpal tunnel syndrome and many other hand problems. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a type of pinched nerve in the wrist. It is the most common compression neuropathy in the hand […]

Wrist Fracture Treatment in Raleigh

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A wrist fracture is a common wrist injury. This type of injury can occur from a variety of trauma, such as a fall at home or a motor vehicle collision. The distal radius is the portion of the radius bone just below the wrist joint. As we age, the bone of the distal radius loses bone mass […]

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